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The Claisse Lab (current and former students) celebrated
Matt & Daniel completing their theses!
Ella & Hailey show
off a fish they'll be dissecting.
Natalie shows how
our lab processes sonar data to quantify artificial reef habitat characteristics
James stereo-videos
a 4m high relief module on the Palos Verdes Restoration Reef.
Casey loves
Whitney holds
a delicious live prawn when working for her CSU COAST summer internship.
Matt explains
how fish assemblages vary with artificial reef construction material
The Claisse Lab stops
for a photo on the continental divide in Panama
Chelsea injects tetracycline
as part of her study to validate annual ring formation in Garibaldi otoliths (inner ear bones used for aging).
The Claisse lab cruises
through Bocas del Toro Panama
James, Jacob and Austin
conduct fish habitat use surveys on the LA Habor breakwater.
Mantas swim
a little close...
Matt, Brenda, and Maggie
get certified to breath air with more 02 in it.
Jacob, Gabby, Jeremy & Austin
were in the mouth of a Great White Shark!
Natalie, Brenda, and Maggie
are happy to be diving in the Northern Channel Islands
Matt shows off
a millipede?
Jeremy, Ben and Chelsea
in front of the Hilma Hooker shipwreck in Bonaire.
Matt, Casey, Smith Lab folks
& Taylor (US Forestry Service) use a pink filter.
Ben carefully lifts
a Pacific ELECTRIC Ray (Tetronarce californica) caught in a trawl during BIO4820L Biology of FIshes.
Jacob records
Garibaldi gut contents data for his thesis research on spatial and habitat variation in their diets.
Maggie and Brenda train
doing kelp forest monitoring scuba surveys out at Catalina.
Lab door
is decorated
James and Austin
return from doing stereo-video surveys of fish on the PVR
Daniel tells
Matt what to say when presenting his poster.
Gabby processes
a Garibaldi stomach (pre-COVID - they smell bad) under the watchful eye of Jacob, while John watches and learns.
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